Monday 5 May 2014

Introducing.... The promotion blog

Yes! A promotion blog that will promote Kenneth Blogs to the world!
Fantastic. Now, what should we start first?
Connection blog, yes we should start with that
It has 150-something views-Good puller of the view count
Let us type...Type....Type.....Type
Yes, that should do it
Does it capture the essence of the connection blog
Ok, let's try and see how you all like it.
Click Send.

Sunday 4 May 2014

The Kenneth blogs "rounds"

These "Rounds" are attempts to "Reinvent Kenneth blogs" so that more people will take interest in it. Reinventing the blogs is necessary so that it can stay competitive as a blog network.
Here are the "Rounds" we have undergone:
1) Started with Reading task blog- Reading task round
2) Connection round(Still ongoing) - Provides interconnectivity between blogs
3) Competition round(Still ongoing)-Using the spirit of competition to attract people to the blogs in the name of competition
4)Transnational blogs Round(Still ongoing)- Aims to promote and provide illustration of how transnational companies function by simulating it on blog scale
5) Unconventional patriot round- Aims to discuss the issues relating to patriotism and Eastern nation formation, as well as unconventional thought.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Assignment as archival promotion hub

Due to connection blog and the many content blogs, Kenneth's blog will lose its position as the main content hub for all contents. Instead, Kenneth's blogs will now be assigned as an archival promotion hub that will show previous content from different blogs and highlight to readers the good reads of older posts so that readers will not miss out on good content.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

2 more views to "beat" reading task blog? Can we do it?

Amazing! Our first hundred view blog

Congratulations to connection blog for hitting 100 views last night. We must continue to strive to catch up with connection blog due to heavy competition in mini-competition (remember? We are still in it.) So, can we reach a hundred views to catch up with connection blog?

Thursday 10 April 2014

9 more views, and we beat the reading task blog and close up the gap with connection blog.

Kenneth's blog: What happened to us in the competition?

We used to be on par with Kenneth blogs connection blog, now we are way behind the competition, with a difference of 21 views. If all the readers on this blog recommend this blog to their friends, who in turn recommend their friends, we might be able to catch up with connection blog in the mini competition. So do share the joy of reading Kenneth's blog to your friends!
From:Kenneth's blog